For artists, determining the value of their music has always been a complex and often elusive task. Traditionally, musical royalties have been priced in private deals with limited buyers, leaving artists with little control over the process and often undervaluing their work. However, a new era of music investing is dawning—one that empowers artists to take control of their destiny and unlock the true value of their music through public auctions.
The Traditional Way
In the traditional model of music royalties pricing, artists often find themselves at the mercy of a handful of buyers, typically record labels or publishing companies. These private deals can be opaque and exclusive, with limited transparency and little opportunity for artists to negotiate fair terms. As a result, artists may end up selling their royalties for far less than they’re worth, leaving money on the table and missing out on potential revenue streams.
The Power of Public Auctions
Enter public auctions—a game-changing innovation that democratizes the process of pricing musical royalties and puts the power back in the hands of artists. In a public auction, all retail investors, music fans, and savvy investors have the opportunity to bid on and price the elements of the music, from pure financial perspectives to the emotional aspects that resonate with fans.
By opening up the auction to a wider pool of participants, public auctions create a more transparent and competitive marketplace where the true value of music can be realized. Artists no longer have to rely on a handful of buyers to set the price—they can now engage directly with their fans and investors to determine the fair market value of their music.
Setting Minimum Prices and Maximizing Potential
Public auctions also allow artists to set minimum prices for their income-generating assets, ensuring that they receive fair compensation for their work. At the same time, auctions provide the opportunity to explore the maximum potential of market value, where the emotional aspects of the music are priced in by fans who are willing to pay a premium for a piece of their favorite songs.
Are you ready to unleash your music bull?
Reducing Risks
One of the key advantages of public auctions for artists is the ability to reduce risks associated with the investment process. By allowing investors to purchase units of royalties for small amounts—often as low as $10 or less—artists can diversify their revenue streams and mitigate the impact of any individual investment. This democratization of investment opens up new opportunities for artists to finance their careers and take control of their financial futures.
In the world of music investing, the true value of music is determined by the market. Public
auctions offer artists a new way to unlock the full potential of their music, allowing them to engage directly with their fans and investors to determine fair market prices. By embracing the power of public auctions, artists can take control of their destiny, maximize their earning potential, and build sustainable careers in the music industry.